Lovey & Meeka
Feel Secure Pet Sitting & More
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Daily Visits
A Standard Visit is 30 minutes.  Dogs generally require a minimum of 2 visits per day.  Cats and other animals generally require a minimum of 1 visit per day.

A standard visit may include short walks, litter box scooping, feeding, watering, play time, home sitting services, etc.
Services can also be customized upon the "meet and greet" to suit your needs.  This initial consultation is provided free of charge.

Our rates are based on the minimum amount of time that it takes to provide quality care for your pets and your home.  The basic fee schedule is as follows
Overnight Stays
If your pet is elderly or suffers from stress or separation anxiety, our overnight service may be just what you're looking for to make your pet feel secure throughout the night while you're away.  We will arrive around 10p.m. and depart at approximately 7a.m. the next morning.
Distance from Main Office in New Castle (Neshannock Twp.) or from "satellite office" in Struthers, OH - whichever is closer.

Cats get a "2 for 1" discount

* fee schedule subject to change
Holiday Care - charged at time and a half
Extended Visits
Extended visits are good for services such as longer walks, special needs pets, littler box changing, yard cleanup, cage cleaning, etc.  These are typically charged at an additional $5 per 15 minutes.
Payment for services is due in advance, in full, unless previously agreed upon.  Cash or personal checks are accepted.  There is a $35 fee for all returned checks.
American Red Cross
Humane Society of the US
Pet first Aid
Pet Sitters Associates LLC
Pet Sitting
& More
Contact Us
Service Area
Now serving Lawrence County and parts of Mercer County in Pennsylvania, and Mahoning County in Ohio.

If you are not sure if you fall in these areas or lie just outside of them, please do not hesitate to contact us.  On certain occasions, we may still be able to accommodate you.
Pet Sitters International